Hero garden landscaper raises over $180K for cat shelter that restored injured feline he found in front yard

Spencer with his $100 donation to get the fund raiser going which ended up raising $180,000!

This is a warm story reflecting the goodness within humanity. It special for that reason. It is good to be reminded that humankind has the capacity to be caring and giving when called upon. The vast majority of people are decent. I am pleased the story remind me of that simple fact. TEXAS, USA: …

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Factors influencing the length of stay (LOS) of cats at shelters

LOS at animal shelters

Although there are many ways to reduce the length of stay (LOS) of cats at shelters, in this article I look at some information from studies with the goal of reducing LOS. In the first study they found that the average LOS was 61.2 days for both cats and kittens combined that was partly …

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Animal shelters insisting that two cats are adopted together can extend their stay at the shelter by 185%

Woman returns to adopt 16-year-old Max (1)

I believe that the results of this study published in January 1, 2023, on the Cambridge University Press website are common sense and I also believe that the results shouldn’t deter animal shelters from insisting that two cats are adopted together when appropriate. RELATED: Woman who adopted 11-year-old cat returns to shelter to adopt …

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What is the black cat personality?

Charlie my cat

I’ve been doing some research on black cat personality and it is striking to report that their personality is almost diametrically opposed to the diabolical image that they have thanks to their association with witches in the Middle Ages. I can refer to at least three good sources on black cat personality which I …

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Gabapentin substantially improves adoption rate of shelter cats rescued from a hoarding environment

Gabapentin combined with a behaviour modification program can substantially improve rescue cats' rehabilitation and therefore chances of adoption after being rescued from a cat hoarding environment

Cats living with a cat hoarder are almost invariably neglected. They are often only partly socialised, stressed and unhealthy. After rescue, a substantial percentage of them do not take well to a rescue facility. It may be so bad for them that they stop eating and toileting. They are essentially unadoptable because they’re so …

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Animal shelters are reluctant to allow a person to foster a cat if they have an existing cat

New cat

There appears to be a distinct difference in opinion between animal shelters and cat owners. I’m told that there is an increase in multi-cat homes in the US. I don’t know the percentage of homes in which there are several cats in that country but it must be substantial. But if you want to …

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14 facts about the duration of stay at shelters by rescue cats

Pictures of sad shelter cats tend to go viral and enhance chance of adoption

At Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, the following statistics are provided by an online newspaper regarding the speed of adoption of cats within their care. I can’t find the information on the rescue’s website. The average length of stay for cats at the Kent location of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is, as expected, …

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Pictures of sad shelter cats and interesting bios improve chance of adoption

Pictures of sad shelter cats tend to go viral and enhance chance of adoption

This post was inspired by ex-shelter cat ‘Fishtopher’ who was a long-term resident at the Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center in Blackwood, New Jersey, USA. The picture got him out of there. Not that it is a bad place. But it is shelter and shelters are not great places for cats or dogs. Too …

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