How long can lions go without water?

Lion pride

Lions normally drink water every day if it is available. When researchers have observed prides of lions in the Serengeti and the nearby Ngorongoro Crater they drank after every meal. Although lions can manage without drinking water when it is scarce. Lions live in a semi-desert habitat and even in desert. Under these circumstances …

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What is the social organisation of lions?

Lion pride

The social organisation of the lion is in flux but it is useful to start at the situation that most people know which is a settled pride of lions comprising, on average, 4-5 (range 1-11), related females (sisters, daughters, cousins and aunts) with their young and sub-adult male offspring and a temporary, unrelated coalition …

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Lion habitat – ‘at home in more open areas’

Lions including 2 white lions, asleep on the road in Kruger NP.

Overview: The African lion habitat includes the plains of the Serengeti in East Africa and woodlands, deserts, dry forest and scrub. Underlying these habitats is the preference for open areas. In open plains lions use the cover of gullies and riverbanks to stalk prey. They also use the cover of night and poor weather …

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What cats live in groups? 3 felids do it.

Cheetah brothers contemplate crossing swollen river

Domestic and feral cats sometimes live in groups and the lion, a big cat, lives in groups (prides). These are not the only two cat species who live in groups as male cheetahs also form coalitions. Domestic and feral cats Domestic cats often live solitary lives and they’re considered to be solitary animals but …

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Are all cats solitary animals?

Both lion and domestic cat are not solitary

Most wild cats lead solitary lives. Except for cheetahs and lions, adult wild cats live and hunt separately. By contrast, we know that the purpose of domestic cats is not to be solitary but to engage with humans and other animals including animals of the same species. We must therefore distinguish between wild and …

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