3-legged lion swims 1 kilometre in crocodile infested river with brother

Kazinga Channel

Jacob is a 3-legged lion living in a national park in Uganda with his brother Tibu. Jacob is 10-years-old which is an amazing age (thanks to him having nine lives) as he lives in a very dangerous place for lions. Note: this story has captured the imagination of people worldwide and is all over …

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African wildlife more frightened of humans than big predators like lions

African waterhole and animals where they fear humans more than lions

I’ve always thought this but now a study confirms it. The typical wildlife, including large animals such as zebra and impala, that drink at waterholes in Africa are more likely to flee when they hear the faintest human conversation than when they hear the sounds of the most dreaded predators in Africa. Clearly, these …

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3 burly men in a tug-of-war with lioness and it is animal abuse

Lion in tug-of-war with 3 burly men at a zoo is not good

The tweet says it nicely: “Making fun of animals in captivity is not entertainment”. The lioness is impressive in holding her own against three burly men in a tug-of-war but this is not the decent thing to do. You can see that this happens all the time, perhaps daily as the machinery is in …

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Cecil the Lion has not died in vain after British MPs vote through a ban on the importation of hunting trophies

A stuffed lion head on a wall somewhere that was once a trophy and ended up being for sale online

Britain is leading Europe in the creation of legislation to ban the importation of hunting trophies from big game into the UK. There is no EU law banning trophy imports. It seems that this UK legislation is one benefit of Brexit. Yesterday, Members of Parliament unanimously backed a ban on the importation of hunting …

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Laughing and mocking a sentient being who is in prison for doing nothing wrong

Unconscious bias against animals including lions

Like a lot of people, I hate to see this sort of video. It is not massively shocking as Internet videos go. It is a bit of fun or that’s what it looks like. It’s the story behind the video which is important. It underpins the generally poor relationship between humankind and iconic wild …

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