Male and female rural domestic cats behave somewhat like lions

Cat queens mutual support and cooperation

A couple of scientific reports indicate to me that when the domestic cat is left to their own devices such as in rural locations e.g. as barn cats, their behaviour is very similar to that of lions living in the African Serengeti. People think of lion pride behavior as unique in the cooperation between …

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What cats live in groups? 3 felids do it.

Cheetah brothers contemplate crossing swollen river

Domestic and feral cats sometimes live in groups and the lion, a big cat, lives in groups (prides). These are not the only two cat species who live in groups as male cheetahs also form coalitions. Domestic and feral cats Domestic cats often live solitary lives and they’re considered to be solitary animals but …

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Lions yawn to wake up and to coordinate their movements

Male lion yawning

The full reasons why animals yawn is still work in progress but we have known for a long time that yawning in animals and humans helps to wake us up because it increases blood flow to the head which oxygenates and cools the brain. Yawning is also contagious in animals and humans which we …

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Which cat species are social?

Cat queens mutual support and cooperation

The social cat species are: the lion, the cheetah and the domestic cat including free-living cats. Scientists had thought that lions and cheetahs were the only social cat species but you have to add domestic cats to that select group. Everybody knows about the lion pride. The cheetah is considered a social animal to …

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Cats that live in groups

It is wrong to say that only lions live in groups because feral and stray cats live in colonies. And domestic cats in households often live in small groups too. Both the lion and the domestic cat are different species of cat (Panthera leo and Felis silvestris catus respectively). You might find that the …

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