The awesome science of the cat’s tongue inspires a novel hair brush

Cat tongue's showing the spines

You might know that the cat’s tongue is covered with around 290 tiny but prominent backward facing spines (papillae) made of keratin. Our nails are made of keratin. And cats groom themselves for about 2.4 hours daily. Recent research, using CT scans, discovered that the part of the cat’s papillae are hollow. They researched …

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Most cats indicate where they wish to be stroked

Cats like to be stroked in certain places

John Bradshaw in his book The Feline Enigma Revealed believes or speculates that although we decide where to stroke our cat based upon our experiences and what we know are their preferences, most cats: “…indicate precisely where they wish to be stroked by offering that part of the body, or by shifting their position …

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Facial Secretions of Domestic Cats

Five different facial pheromones, which are discharged from the glands of the face, have been isolated1. They are as follows (a bit of chemistry for the chemist cat lover): F1 — Oleic acid, caproic acid, trimethylamine, 5-aminovaleric acid, n-butyric acid and a-methovaleric acid. F2 — Oleic acid, palmitic acid, propionic acid, p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. F3 …

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