Best and worst cat breeds on 10 characteristics as the British Shorthair comes out on top (Infographic)

Blue British Shorthair at a cat show

Well, this is an infographic showing the best and worst cat breeds with respect to 10 different characteristics. I think people who are considering adopting a purebred, pedigree cat will find it interesting. The infographic is entirely based on one study: Breed differences of heritable behaviour traits in cats. It was conducted by Milla …

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Animal lovers protest in front of a Las Vegas shelter run by the Animal Foundation

Animal lovers protest in front of the Las Vegas shelter run by the Animal Foundation

NEWS AND OPINION: This is about a dog but it could equally be about a cat. The same issue of rescue animal character assessment by shelter staff presents itself all the time. The picture shows a group of animal lovers protesting in front of an animal shelter run by an organisation called the Animal …

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