Best and worst cat breeds on 10 characteristics as the British Shorthair comes out on top (Infographic)

Blue British Shorthair at a cat show

Well, this is an infographic showing the best and worst cat breeds with respect to 10 different characteristics. I think people who are considering adopting a purebred, pedigree cat will find it interesting. The infographic is entirely based on one study: Breed differences of heritable behaviour traits in cats. It was conducted by Milla …

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What colour are British Shorthair cats?

British Shorthair TYBA

British Shorthair cats are shown in all colours and all divisions of the traditional category. The traditional colours are black, chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lilac, fawn, red, cream and white. In the pointed category there is seal, chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lilac, fawn, red and cream pointing and under the sepia and mink colour banner there …

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Pictures of cats: extreme blue British Shorthair

Russian? blue British Shorthair bred to extreme

I’ve picked out three pictures of blue British Shorthair cats which I consider to be bred to an extreme level (I added a fourth). I think it’s instructive to have a look at these pictures of cats. The first one you might describe as monstrous. It is definitely a cat but is nothing like …

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Pictures of cats: cinnamon British Shorthair

Cinnamon British shorthair

I should publish some pictures of cats from time to time because that is the name of the website. The reason why it is the name is because when the site was started “pictures of cats” was the top keyword in the world of cats. It propelled this website to the great top of …

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Picture of grey tabby British Shorthair on a leash in the snow

Tabby British Shorthair on leash in snow

This is a picture which caught my eye because it is quite rare to see a domestic cat on a leash in any case, but when that cat is a purebred British Shorthair and there is snow on the ground, it makes for a fairly unique picture. The only practical way that a person …

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