Did Puss in Boots reinforce negative or positive views about the domestic cat?

Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots is a delightful fairy tale with a clever cat at its center. Here’s a deeper dive into the story and an answer to the question in the title. Disclosure: this entire article except for these few words at the beginning was written by Google Gemini an AI bot in response to …

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Do socialised feral cats retain some of their wild character throughout their life?

Gabriel has retained a tiny bit of his feral character after being socialised at 7 weeks of age. He is now around 8 years of age.

We hear a lot about socialising feral cats; turning them into domestic cats. I did it myself. I can write about this with the advantage of personal experience. It’s quite an important topic because there are many stray and feral cats that can and should be brought into the home as pets. My story …

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The domestic cat is self-contained

The self-contained domestic cat

‘Self-contained’ for the human animal and non-human animal means quiet and independent; not depending on or influenced by others. To a great extent the domestic cat is self-contained. I think it is a better description that being ‘independent’. Self-contained refers to an attitude or mentality. It describes how the mind thinks. It means an …

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Domestic cats are often unfairly described as “aloof”

Why do cats touch your face with their nose?

It annoys me that domestic cats are often unfairly described as aloof. The definition of the word “aloof” is: not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant. Conspicuously uninvolved. Do those words describe your cat companion? I can hear people shouting NO. ‘Aloof’ certainly does not describe my cat and the word has never described …

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Best and worst cat breeds on 10 characteristics as the British Shorthair comes out on top (Infographic)

Blue British Shorthair at a cat show

Well, this is an infographic showing the best and worst cat breeds with respect to 10 different characteristics. I think people who are considering adopting a purebred, pedigree cat will find it interesting. The infographic is entirely based on one study: Breed differences of heritable behaviour traits in cats. It was conducted by Milla …

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