Why does my cat’s back twitch or ripple when I touch it?

Cat back rippling in a healthy cat

If your cat is clearly healthy as observed in a non-expert’s way, it is not abnormal or a sign of a health problem if their back ripples when gently touched. It is more likely to happen if your cat is unaware of what is going on. It simply means that your cat is slightly …

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Picture of a cat with feline hyperesthesia

This is a picture from the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic published here with their permission. Although the title to this article is about a picture of a cat suffering from feline hyperesthesia it is a picture, in fact, of self-mutilation which is a symptom or consequence of this mystifying disease. I think it has …

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Sansa, a polydactyl, odd-eyed cat with hyperesthesia abandoned by owner

Sansa the cat

Sansa is a really gorgeous New York City snow-white domestic cat. She is a standout cat not simply because of her beautiful white coat but because she is polydactyl with six toes on each front paw and odd-eyed (technically called: heterochromia iridium). Sadly she is an anxious girl suffering from feline hyperesthesia disorder( FHD …

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