Bicolor cats infographic

Black and white bicolor Scottish Fold kitten from Russia (Siberia)

The infographic by me summarises information about bicolour cats. I hope you find it useful. There are image links to more pages on piebaldism and bicolour cats after the infographic.

Note: I am indebted to Sarah Hartwell of for her knowledge on piebaldism and the images in the middle of the infographic about grading. Other source: me and Gloria Stephens of Legacy of the Cat.

White domestic cats often make bad mothers

Deaf white cats

The title sounds unfair and biased but it isn’t as it is based in biological fact. The prevalence of deafness in pure white domestic cats varies depending on whether they have two blue eyes (the highest proportion of deaf cats), odd-eye colour or non-blue eyes (least likely to be deaf in both ears). Where …

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Colour changes in the eyes of an odd-eyed white cat

Ivory has odd eye color and they change in color

Ivory is a 10 year old, white, domestic shorthaired cat with odd-eye colour. Her right eye is gold coloured and her left eye is yellow-green coloured. Her owner, Gabriela Carvalho, 28, a nursing student, adopted Ivory from the same rescue centre that she adopted her former cat from, whose name was Luna. Luna died …

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White Maine Coon and heterochromia iridum

Maine Coon with odd-eyes

This is a photograph of an all-white Maine Coon cat with heterochromia iridum. In layperson’s language, this beautiful cat has odd-eye colour. And it is a classic case of odd-eye colour because one eye is yellow-gold and the other is blue. The reason why one eye is yellow-gold and the other blue is because …

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Sansa, a polydactyl, odd-eyed cat with hyperesthesia abandoned by owner

Sansa the cat

Sansa is a really gorgeous New York City snow-white domestic cat. She is a standout cat not simply because of her beautiful white coat but because she is polydactyl with six toes on each front paw and odd-eyed (technically called: heterochromia iridium). Sadly she is an anxious girl suffering from feline hyperesthesia disorder( FHD …

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When do kittens’ eyes change colour?

Two Blue Eyed Kittens

There is physics behind the answer to the question, which may displease some readers and I’ll understand why! By six or seven weeks of age a kitten’s eyes begin to change colour from blue to the colour that their genes dictate that their eyes should be. In human babies the change takes place at …

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The best example of cat odd-eyes that you’ll see

Odd-eyed white Scottish Fold

No one wanted this stunning odd-eyed Scottish Fold on offer online. I suspect that the reason is because Scottish Folds can have inherited health issues linked to the reason for their flat ears (cartilage production defect). That said these are the best example of feline odd-eyes that I have seen, which incidentally, are nearly …

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