Male domestic cat neutering effect on mating behaviour and longevity. Infographic.

The infographic summarises the information that I wish to publish in this article while I have extended the discussion below it. Male domestic cat neutering – effect on mating behaviour and longevity. Infographic. by Michael Broad SOME MORE ON THIS TOPIC (the infographic is a very brief summary of what is stated below). Research …

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Feline instincts are reactive and act as a ‘barometer’ of their surroundings. Infographic.

Cat’s act instinctively. Their instincts react to environmental pressures based on their emotions which vary depending on personality. But essentially a cat’s instincts can act as a kind of barometer of what is happening around the cat and to the cat. A cat’s instincts also tell us what is happening inside the cat’s brain …

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Can cats work out the source of the laser pointer dot?

This cat figured out where a laser pointer light came from and it stopped him being interested in the toy.

Can cats work out the source of the laser pointer dot? Some can and some can’t, would seem to the answer. The smart ginger tabby-and-white Maine Coon below did work it out and he is described as smart by his caregiver. He looks smart too. He is one of those Maine Coons that look …

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Cat bed den infographic

Which den would a cat prefer?

A compact infographic on the cat bed den. This is the place where your cat sleeps. They might use it during the day when their owner is more active. The infographic is centred around a picture I just took of two cat bed dens side by side; one made with cheap materials, made for shipping an Amazon product and free and the other made for the purpose and expensive. My cat prefers the free one.

Often homemade cat products are the best. The classic example of homemade cat products is the cat toy. You can buy plastic ones online or use a bit of string or a ball of paper. Or perhaps make your own cat tease – a feather on a stick. Note: string should not be left on the ground.

Why does my cat’s back twitch or ripple when I touch it?

Cat back rippling in a healthy cat

If your cat is clearly healthy as observed in a non-expert’s way, it is not abnormal or a sign of a health problem if their back ripples when gently touched. It is more likely to happen if your cat is unaware of what is going on. It simply means that your cat is slightly …

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