Should there be restrictions on the number of dogs that dog walkers take out?

Should there be restrictions on the number of dogs that can be walked together?

Following the tragic death of Natasha Johnston, 28, from Croydon, south London, after being attacked by the dogs that she was walking as a professional dog walker, a coroner has written to the Home Secretary in the UK to recommend restrictions on the number of dogs that can be walked together. Note: some UK …

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One quarter of all the world’s dogs are human companions in homes while three quarters are free-ranging or feral

In the idea of free ranging dogs a good one?

On the Psychology Today website Dr. Marc Bekoff introduces his article by saying that there are 1 billion dogs on the planet and 25% of them are living in homes with companions. The remaining 75% are free ranging or feral. Simple mathematics tells us that there are 750 million dogs on the planet without …

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Ohio cop’s shooting of a golden retriever who approached him calls into question the police vetting process

The moment Dixie is shot by Officer Palmer

NEWS AND VIEWS-LORAIN, OHIO, USA: I have watched the relevant section of this viral video currently being extensively reported by the news media and I have come to the inevitable conclusion that the Ohio police department’s vetting procedure when employing new police officers is inadequate. There is no question in my mind that the …

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Emotionally cats help people to sleep but behaviorally they disrupt sleep

Man's sleep is disturbed by his cat! He can't breathe.

There appears to be two opposing forces in play when it comes to how cats and dogs affect human sleep. On the positive side, the emotional support and warmth that cats and dogs bring to their human caregivers promotes better sleep. On the negative side, the behavior of a companion animal – particularly cats …

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Football manager brings dog to training ground and players love it. Discuss.

Arteta and 'Win'

The recent British football news is that the manager of Arsenal Football Club, Mikel Arteta, is bringing an employee’s chocolate Labrador to the training ground to improve the mood and lower the stress levels. He realised that the appropriately named dog (Win) would help them win. As it happens the team is ‘bottling it’ …

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