I’m getting a polydactyl kitten this week. Aside from extra toes, are there any other things I need to worry about?

Polydactyl cat

A Quora.com visitors asks, “I’m getting a polydactyl kitten this week aside from extra toes, are there any other things I need to worry about? The answer is probably known to most cat owners which is that there is nothing to worry about other than the usual things when looking after a domestic cat. …

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Hemingway cats in Key West will be free to roam during Hurricane Irma

Polydactyl Rescue Cat

There is a mass evacuation of parts of Florida by people before Hurricane Irma strikes the state. Irma is said to be so fierce that it could cause deaths and there is predicted to be a considerable amount destruction of property. That, at least, is the dire prediction, so I was surprised to read …

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American Polydactyl Cat

The American polydactyl cat is an American cat with more than the usual number of toes. It is not a cat breed (in my view) although it is spoken of as such in the articles that I have read on the Internet. The problem with the phrase or name “American Polydactyl” is that it …

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A Chance to Adopt an American Polydactyl Rescue Cat

Polydactyl Rescue Cat

If you live in the city of Chillicothe, Missouri, USA or within reasonable driving distance this is a chance to adopt a relatively rare rescue cat. This is a cat with more than the usual number of toes: a polydactyl cat. They are sometimes referred to as “Hemingway Cats”. You probably know that Hemingway …

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Quite perplexed regarding my “Rockie” kitten…help?

by Cindy Dye (Woodland, AL, USA) Rockie riding in Laci’s baby stroller. Rockie’s markings on her chest. Rockie playing with FatCat…she don’t realize how much bigger than her he really is. Rockie climbing *as usual* she climbs on EVERYTHING I have received a new kitten from my brother for my daughter. The kitten is …

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