Do Bengal cats have sensitive stomachs?

Bengal cat smelly poo due to a sensitive stomach

The answer has to be an unequivocal YES judging by the information on the Internet and you can extend the sensitivity to include the gastrointestinal tract. Sadly, there is a lot on the Internet about Bengal cat diarrhoea and smelly poo. A lot of ‘experts’ have thrown their hat into the ring in providing …

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Do Bengal cats have breathing problems?

Four desirable Bengal kittens looking healthy

Yes, a Bengal kitten might have breathing problems if they suffer from the inherited disease flat-chest kitten syndrome (FCKS) which is similar to but not the same as pectus excavatum (PE). In both conditions the chest is compressed which results in breathing problems for the kitten. If the condition is severe the kitten does …

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Flat-chested kitten syndrome in Bengal cats

Four desirable Bengal kittens looking healthy

While doing some research on pet health insurance I noted that one insurer increases their insurance premiums because Bengal cats are predisposed to developing an inherited disease (in my opinion) called “Flat-chested Kitten syndrome (FCK)”. It’s a disappointment to me to read about this because you have to add this disease to the others …

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Burmese Cat Health

Burmese Cat

by Michael (London, UK) This page on Burmese Cat Health is in addition to the information on the Burmese cat page. Firstly, I would like to expand on the well-known and disastrous “head defect”. Ross D Clark, DVM in his book “Medical, Genetic & Behavioral Aspects of Purebred Cats” states that this is a …

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