How does a cat caregiver improve their cat’s gut microbiome?

How does a cat caregiver improve their cat’s gut microbiome?

The health of a domestic cat’s gut microbiota is very important to their health. A healthy gut microbiome improves and supports a healthy immune system. It affects hormones and general welfare. It’s something that cat caregivers should, I believe, think about. In this article I discuss how a caregiver might improve their cat’s gut …

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What can I do about my cat’s flatulence?

Feline Flatulence

The crude word for flatulence is “farting”. I guess you know that. But these articles are written for an international market. The website is seen in 86% of the world’s countries. I have to make sure that people all over the globe understand what I am saying. Technically it is referred to as ‘flatus’ …

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Do Bengal cats have sensitive stomachs?

Bengal cat smelly poo due to a sensitive stomach

The answer has to be an unequivocal YES judging by the information on the Internet and you can extend the sensitivity to include the gastrointestinal tract. Sadly, there is a lot on the Internet about Bengal cat diarrhoea and smelly poo. A lot of ‘experts’ have thrown their hat into the ring in providing …

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Can antibiotics cause diarrhoea in cats?

Antibiotics can cause diarrhea in cats

You could ask the same question about humans, dogs or other animals. And certainly, antibiotics can cause diarrhoea in cats. Note the word ‘can’. You do not have to search far to come to that conclusion. AAD For instance, in the human world, they even have an acronym on the topic. It is AAD …

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University of Guelph’s one cat meal a day study ignores the size of the stomach

Size of cat's stomach

The domestic cat’s stomach is too small for a big, one meal a day mild fasting, feeding regime as suggested by the University of Guelph researchers. I discuss this. You may have read about the well-publicised study carried out by the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada in which the researchers came to the conclusion …

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