13 cat parasites listed in descending order of prevalence. Infographic.

Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) are the most prevalent parasite in domestic cats due to a combination of biological resilience, environmental factors, and their ability to spread easily. Here’s why they top the list: 1. High Reproductive Rate 2. Hardy and Adaptive Lifecycle 3. Multiple Modes of Transmission 4. Year-Round Survival 5. Widespread Presence of Intermediate …

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Petting farm parasite infects kids. It can infect cats.

Representation of a protozoan parasite infecting animals and people

Parents are very annoyed about their kids becoming infected by an animal parasite which was transmitted to them after a trip to a children’s petting farm, Gannow Farm in Worcestershire, UK, over Easter. Both parents and children as young as one were struck with sickness and diarrhoea after visiting the farm. Many had contracted …

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Cat avoided parasite in tap water by drinking rainwater but many fell ill

Cryptosporidium parasite contaminated tap water in Devon

NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a big story in the UK and it concerns the quality of drinking water. The back story to this, by the way, is that in the UK there is a crisis among the water companies particularly Thames Water which have been discharging sewage into water courses, lakes and rivers …

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Veterinarian warns that the cat flea can survive the winter

The cat flea can survive the winter even outside for a short time in pupae stage at temps of -1 degree Celsius

News media reports that a vet and technical services manager at a pharmaceutical company, Jamie Walker, has reminded people that the cat flea can survive winter, which I think is a useful reminder. People associate the cat flea with warmer weather but it is not quite as straightforward as that. Proactive steps throughout the …

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70 Bengal cats in poor condition rescued from breeder in Runcorn, UK

Bengal cats rescued in Runcorn from an irresponsible and failed breeder

NEWS AND COMMENT: The news media does not fully explain the situation but the story is that an animal charity has rescued 70 Bengal cats from a “horrific breeding situation”. It is very rare for a cat breeder to fail so catastrophically. We don’t know whether the breeder was an informal Bengal cat breeder …

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Time to check our cats’ skin as climate change is blamed for growth in tick diseases

Tick on cat

This is an underreported but a serious matter which I think should concern cat owners. The problem is that the ectoparasite, the tick, carries zoonotic diseases which they transfer to cats and dogs when they feed on the host animal. And these are serious diseases. The best known is Lyme disease. About a dozen …

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Home treatment for cat ear mites

Ear mite

Treating your cat’s ear mites is possible at home provided (a) you do it in conjunction with veterinary advice to first positively identify ear mites as the cause of the health problem and (b) your vet has examined the cat and determined that the ear drums are intact and (c) you clean your cat’s …

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Can an indoor cat get worms?

Parasitic worm

Yes, is the answer to the question. Please read on. This is a complete page. The question asks whether a full-time indoor cat can become infested with parasitic worms which are called endoparasites. And the answer must be that they can but the chances of them becoming infested must be significantly lower than if …

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