Pet de-wormer can treat cancer in humans? Infographic.

Some influencers on social media websites like TikTok have claimed that the pet de-wormer fenbendazole which can be bought on Amazon has cured their cancer. It seems magical. I am neither a medical doctor nor a veterinarian. However, research immediately points to this form of self-treatment as high-risk as fenbendazole has not, as at …

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Petting farm parasite infects kids. It can infect cats.

Representation of a protozoan parasite infecting animals and people

Parents are very annoyed about their kids becoming infected by an animal parasite which was transmitted to them after a trip to a children’s petting farm, Gannow Farm in Worcestershire, UK, over Easter. Both parents and children as young as one were struck with sickness and diarrhoea after visiting the farm. Many had contracted …

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Cat avoided parasite in tap water by drinking rainwater but many fell ill

Cryptosporidium parasite contaminated tap water in Devon

NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a big story in the UK and it concerns the quality of drinking water. The back story to this, by the way, is that in the UK there is a crisis among the water companies particularly Thames Water which have been discharging sewage into water courses, lakes and rivers …

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Can an indoor cat get worms?

Parasitic worm

Yes, is the answer to the question. Please read on. This is a complete page. The question asks whether a full-time indoor cat can become infested with parasitic worms which are called endoparasites. And the answer must be that they can but the chances of them becoming infested must be significantly lower than if …

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Do Bengal cats have sensitive stomachs?

Bengal cat smelly poo due to a sensitive stomach

The answer has to be an unequivocal YES judging by the information on the Internet and you can extend the sensitivity to include the gastrointestinal tract. Sadly, there is a lot on the Internet about Bengal cat diarrhoea and smelly poo. A lot of ‘experts’ have thrown their hat into the ring in providing …

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Flushing cat litter down the loo can transmit Toxocara eggs to others and block sewers

Flushing cat litter down the loo can spread Toxocara eggs to others and block sewers.

Water company comment on this In the UK, Collette Parker, Anglian Water customer engagement manager, said: This kind of animal waste should never be flushed down the loo. Although rare, dog and cat poo can carry Toxocara, which is one of the very few bacteria [they mean parasite] that we are unable to eliminate …

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Infographic on roundworm transmission, cure and prevention

Roundworm the most common in domestic cats

“Roundworms (Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara cati) are the most common intestinal parasite of cats, with an estimated prevalence of 25% to 75%, and often higher in kittens” – Cornell. That says it all. Very common disease in young cats particularly on my understanding and endoparasites can be fatal in young, vulnerable kittens. Indoor/outdoor cats, …

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Giardia in domestic cats and smelly poop


There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about domestic cat smelly poop😒. An unpleasant topic but one that needs to be addressed, nonetheless. There are many potential reasons for smelly poop. One reason is that the faeces are not, in fact, particularly smelly but the cat’s caregiver is sensitive to smell. They …

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