Inherent power imbalance between cat and human. Infographic.

It perhaps goes without saying but I like to say obvious things anyway as a reminder, in this instance, that there is an inherent power imbalance between cat and human. It creates inequality. Equality between humans is fundamental to human society. From this inherent power imbalance many negatives flow. It will always subsist. The …

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Discussion with an AI bot on the MO of using Ozempic to curb human obesity in the UK

As the AI bot (Chat GPT) tells us, this is a nuanced discussion if one is to be fair in assessing humankind but it has always occurred to me that at a fundamental level it is not the best MO to tackle obesity by taking a pill which suppresses appetite as all medicines are …

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We depend on the nature we are destroying. Infographic.

Humankind is orphaned from nature and its billions of years of evolution. This disconnect from nature is harmful to both humankind and the planet in general. Nature is our natural parents. Connect with nature and you go home to your roots. That’s why it is beneficial. The disconnect from nature came about because of …

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In general, humans don’t like their anatomy. INFOGRAPHIC.

In general - there are many exceptions - humans don't like their anatomy. Infographic.

In general – there are many exceptions – humans don’t like their anatomy. Infographic. by Michael Broad More: human behaviour Is there any connection between the infographic and cats?! Well, I believe that there is. It’s about sterility. A lot of what we do to ‘improve’ our anatomy is to make it more sterile …

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Infographic explains a theory on the origins of the human kiss

Origins of the human kiss

Here is an infographic prepared by me which explains the origins of human kissing as per a theory proposed by Adriano Lameira (and team), an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Warwick in the UK. What all kisses have in common Lameiro concluded was a “protruding of the lips and slight suction”. He then …

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