Global human biomass compared to livestock and wild animal biomass in an instructional infographic

Human domination can be measured in many ways but one crude yet revealing metric is biomass

A comparison of the biomass of humans, wildlife and livestock is interesting. The livestock we rear makes up “more than 10 times the biomass of wild animals and birds” in the worlds of Godfrey-Smith. Human domination can be measured in many ways but one crude yet revealing metric is biomass by Michael Broad He …

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Blame capitalism, anthroparchy, white supremacy and patriarchy for animal shelter killings

Author and book

This article is within the umbrella of Critical Race Theory (CRT – see base of article for an explanation 😎👍 and a definition of ‘anthroparchy’). The source of the article is an article written by Nathan Winograd, the architect of America’s No Kill Movement which has saved the lives of millions of shelter animals. …

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9 rules of happiness in an infographic

Rules of happiness in an infographic

We are not meant to be happy all the time. Nature did not make us that way. Happiness and contentment needs to be measured against unhappiness. We should not regard being depressed as an illness as it is normal unless clinical as diagnosed by a good professional. And being happy requires effort and self-discipline; …

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Day off on passing of any pet demanded in France (infographic)

Compassionate leave on passing of any pet demanded in France (infographic)

The French seem to be ahead of most nations in this regard: demanding an extension to statutory paid leave after the death of close relative to compassionate leave on the death of any companion animal but usually a cat or dog. This attitude applies to 68% of the pet owners who participated in this …

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I neutered my cat (removal of testicles). Is he transgender?

Young androgynous man and his ginger tabby cat in an old painting

Transgenderism is in the news a lot these days. Being a cat ‘expert’ 😃😎 I considered whether neutering male cats makes them transgender as the operation removes that part of the anatomy which produces testosterone; a hormone which makes a male cat male (see below for more on this). The question in the title …

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Belief in big cats in the UK countryside linked to religious beliefs

Mystery big cat sighting? A tangible manifestation of an intangible generalised fear.

OPINION: I believe that there is a link between the belief that big cats exist in the UK and religion. Both require faith and belief without evidence. Ultimately religion is based upon faith and the belief of a supernatural being, a god. And ultimately when people believe that there are wild large cats roaming …

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