Rare Cat Breeds (comprehensive article)

Here are some rare cat breeds – the photos are copyrighted to Helmi Flick.

Kinkalow Kinkalow – Very rare Sokoke Sokoke – Very rare Serengeti Serengeti – Rare

Here is the list (updated and checked on 27th July 2011):-

Selection of breeds on the fringes (there are lots more). See a list of fringe domestic cat breeds, with links to more on the breed. I have listed the more prominent ones below:

Abyssinian Bobtail (feral cat)
Aegean Cat (native to Greece – early development)
Albino Siamese (self explanatory)
Alpine Lynx (hybrid wildcat/domestic)
American Keuda (Egyptian Mau lookalike)
American Lynx (hybrid wildcat (Bobcat)/domestic)
American Miniature
Australian Mist (this cat is more mainstream I believe).
Australian Tiffanie (more mainstream than fringe)
Bahraini Dilmun
Bohemian Rex
Black Bengal
Britanica (long haired Brit. Shorthair)
Brooklyn Rex (NY curly haired cat)
Canella (Brit. SH x Persian)
Caracat (wildcat – caracal/domestic – Aby hybrid
Cashmere (longer haired Bengal)
Celtic SH
Cheetoh (Bengal x Ocicat)
Cheub (Selkirk Rex with Persian faces)
Chinese White (Angora like cat)
Cyprus Cat
Desert Lynx (Manx x Bobcat)
Dragon Li
European Shorthair
Euro Chausie (Wild/domestic hybrid – European wildcat x Chausie)
German Rex (more mainstream and listed below too)
Highlander (more mainstream)
Honeybear (related to IRCA Ragdolls)
Jambi & Habari
Jungala (NZ Ocicat)
Khao Manee
Kucing Malaysia (like Tonkinese)
Mandalay (NZ Aby/Burmese cross)
Marbled Mist (Aussie Mist marbled coat)
Mekong Bobtail
Mokave Jag Cat (see below)
Mokave Jag Cat
Nile Valley Egyptian Cat

Poodle Cat
Russian Black (black Russian Blue)
Russian White
Sterling (Chinchilla longhair)
Templecat (Birman shorthaired)
Tenessee Rex
Twisty Cat (mutation)
Ural Rex
Van Kedi (A Turkish “Van” cat)

20 thoughts on “Rare Cat Breeds (comprehensive article)”

  1. I have a Tennessee Rex a new breed in development with Tica. It features the new to cat fancy satin coat mutation. The satin coat is as it sounds shiny like silk or satin and soft like a cashmere sweater.

  2. Rare cat breeds are actually normally no more expensive than the more common breeds. Some are rare because they are not popular so very few are bred by breeders. If they are not popular that forces the price down.

    I hope you are well Darlene. Nice to hear from you.

  3. so is that why most rare breeds of cats can be not cheap at all to purchase one? my first cat was a maine coon cat but i didn’t have to pay to much money for her because i adopted her from a humane society

  4. Natasha, could you capture a picture?
    If this cat seems relatively harmless, PLEASE don’t call animal control. That would mean certain death.

  5. It has super large ears in the moonlight the silhouette is beautiful. We don’t feel threatened. But if its rare wanted to make sure its preserved safely. But I have never seen a cat as big or have those directional tall ears.

  6. Personally I wouldn’t call animal control because if the cat is doing no harm it may end up being killed. Large Savannah cats (F1-F2) are rare so probably not that. Could be a large tabby cat. He/she may be an outdoor cat roaming widely. Personally, I’d watch and wait. No harm done. I don’t see any danger. Large domestic cats and even small wild cats aren’t a danger to people. It is the opposite.

    I’d be carefully about catching it because someone might own the cat. Technically it could be theft to catch a cat and take it away.

    But of course each person has their own way of dealing with things. My style is to live and let live unless you have to take action.

    Thanks for asking.

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