Dramatic picture of a cat trying catch a bird in mid-flight

Dramatic picture of a domestic cat leaping into the air to try and catch a bird that has just taken off

Domestic cats can and sometimes do try and catch a flying bird, which is in line with the best exponent of this form of feline predation; the caracal, which can jump the highest from a standing start of all the cats, whatever their size. But often the bird is on the ground and/or ill. …

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Video tells you why ‘pet’ caracals are not pets at all

This pet caracal is far too defensively aggressive to be a successful companion and therefore cannot be called a pet in the true sense.

So, you’ve thought about buying an exotic pet cat as you are fascinated by the wild cats. The phrase ‘exotic pet’ includes pet wild cats. Actually ‘pet wild cat’ is an oxymoron as wild cats do not make pets as this video shows. A pet is a domesticated animal that is kept primarily for …

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Unconcerned domestic cat leaps off balcony 12 feet up onto sidewalk to chase a cat

Nugget leaps from 12 feet onto a hard surface

Nugget, a domestic cat, was on a balcony attached to what looks like a first-floor apartment in a condo. I am guessing the height. Anyway, it looks too high for a cat to safely jump from especially as it is onto a pavement (sidewalk) and therefore a hard surface. But he is compelled to …

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Watch a cat do somersaults to order and entertain yourself

Cat does somersaults to order

The Internet has fallen in love with an adorable cat who does somersaults to order. I think their name is Mischo. I don’t think this happened because of deliberate training but, rather, informal self-imposed training for the cat’s entertainment and to entertain her human caregiver. The caregiver encouraged it through rewards. There is also …

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How far can pumas jump?

How far can pumas jump?

The puma, a.k.a. the mountain lion, may be the most athletic jumper of all the wild and domestic cats. Sport hunters, who’ve obviously had first-hand experiences in chasing pumas, say that this athletic wild cat has an amazing ability to leap 20 feet straight up a cliff and when chased by dogs the puma …

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Would the house cat get a medal in the Olympics 100m?

Domestic cat is faster than humans and faster than Usain Bolt

We can’t be absolutely precise but the standard house cat would make the Olympic final and probably get a medal, even a gold. It would be about keeping her on track! And not making a false start! The best moggies can run at around 30 mph (48 kmph). Let’s be conservative and say a …

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Are cats faster than squirrels?

Squirrel versus cat on speed

No, domestic cats are not faster than squirrels and I am pretty convinced that 99% of people reading this article (which will be very few!) already know that. It’s pretty obvious because squirrels are much smaller than domestic cats. Their legs are much shorter. There is less leverage. It’s just not going to happen. …

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Are cats faster than rabbits?

Rabbit and cat

Cats are not faster than rabbits. In general terms, cats and rabbits run at a similar speed but my research indicates that the top speed of the rabbit is perhaps slightly higher than the top speed of a domestic cat. And of course, we are referring to domestic cats. Also, I have generalised with …

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