Tapetum lucidum anatomy and function. Infographic.

The nighttime reflective eyes of the domestic cat are well-known and admired. They signal the crepuscular and nighttime hunting activities of our beloved companions if allowed outside. This infographic attempts to add a little bit of knowledge about this distinctive feline anatomy. Reflective eyes are synonymous with the domestic cat and indeed all cats. …

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Reason why domestic cat eyes constrict to a slit. Infographic.

As might be expected this is all about evolution and survival. The fundamental reason why the domestic cat’s iris constricts the pupil to a slit as opposed to an oval – as occurs for the tiger – is that it makes survival easier as a small, crepuscular, ambush predator. The infographic explains this more …

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Almond shaped cat eyes infographic

Siamese almond shaped cat eyes

The cat fancy through their cat associations – I typically refer to the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in the US – not infrequently demand through their breeding guidelines called breed standards that specified cat breeds such as the Siamese and LaPerm have almond shaped eyes. Here is an infographic on the topic which some might find useful. Of course, non-pedigree and purebred cats can also have almond shaped eyes such as my cat whose featured in the infographic.

Almond shaped cat eyes infographic.

A cat’s senses are ready and waiting

Cat senses for survival

Here comes Toji! – Photo by fofurasfelinas (link at base of page) This is a really nice picture by a well-known Flickr photographer, Giane Portal, Flickr name: forfurasfelinas, of a sanctuary or rescue cat (she is heavily involved in cat rescue) named Toji. As we can see, he is a brown mackerel tabby cat …

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Can Siamese cats have green eyes?

Siamese cats should have vivid blue eyes as per the cat associations' breed standards

As per the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) breed standard the eye colour of the Siamese cat is always a “deep vivid blue” and that eye colour is the same across all the different Siamese cat colours from seal point through to chocolate point, blue point and lilac point. And it is the same across …

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TikTok’s cat vision filter critique

TikTok cat vision filter

TikTok’s cat vision filter is unsophisticated and misleading. I’ll explain why. TikTok has introduced another ‘filter’. What that means is the platform a alters the reality or filters the video that you make and, in this instance, they make the video look as if it was through the eyes of a cat. And in …

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