Domestic cat’s inherent caution. Infographic.

Question: The domestic cat having inherited its wildcat ancestor’s characteristics and living in a human environment is instinctively cautious and at times defensive of, for example, unknown objects and strangers etc. Agree? Response would be: Absolutely! Just like humans, cats have unique personalities that influence how they react to new situations. Confident and social …

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Reason why domestic cat eyes constrict to a slit. Infographic.

As might be expected this is all about evolution and survival. The fundamental reason why the domestic cat’s iris constricts the pupil to a slit as opposed to an oval – as occurs for the tiger – is that it makes survival easier as a small, crepuscular, ambush predator. The infographic explains this more …

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Do cats genuinely get stuck up trees? I doubt it.

I am happy up here. Please leave me alone and I’ll come down when I am good and ready. Thank you.

I am going to challenge the general consensus constantly repeated on the internet in hundreds of thousands of articles that domestic cats can get stuck up trees because they don’t have the ability to get down. Does that sound strange to you? How did nature over millions of years of Darwinian evolution fail so …

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Clouded leopard is inbred due to human activity jeopardising its survival in the wild

Clouded leopard kittens

NEWS AND OPINION: This is a typical story of the decline of a wild cat species. In this instance, it’s the clouded leopard with its magnificent coat so treasured, so precious, so beautiful which has added to its persecution through human activity. All the extinctions of the wild cat species come back to human …

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Mountain lions fear humans which limits their use of space particularly for males

The mountain lion is scared of people and it affects their lives negatively

A report on a study on the Science Daily website tells us something that perhaps we should know and probably do know namely that mountain lions fear humans. They are not the only wild animal fearing humans. All the wild animals on the African continent which are not socialised to humans fear them. It’s …

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How long can a domestic cat survive without food OR without water?

How long can cats survive on food only or water only?

This is a commonly asked question and I’ve not yet seen a really good answer. When you ask how long a domestic cat can survive without food you are presuming that the cat has access to water and therefore you are asking for how long a cat can survive on water only. Technically, the …

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