Natural treatments for feline lower urinary tract disease (LUTD)

Holistic treatments for LUTD

LUTD affects between 1 and 2% of the cat population. Bacterial infections are not a common cause. Cats suffering from the disease are “significantly more likely to be fed dry food exclusively” (Dr. Bruce Fogle in Natural Cat Care). The aim of complimentary, natural treatments to cure LUTD is to reduce the specific gravity …

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Stress Relieving Cat Therapeutic Massage Works (It worked for a Hedgehog)

Cat massage

A hedgehog, Derek, lost his spines because of stress-related alopecia caused by an injury. He was found injured in a garden in Bishop’s Stortford, UK. He recovered from his injuries but began to lose his spines. He was taken to a local animal whisperer, Monique Blackford, who gave him massage therapy and now his …

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Cat Massage

by Michael (London, UK) Cat massaging person – just as nice, really — photo by mcwetboy (Flickr) This article is about humans massaging cats. My girlfriend does cat massage on my lady cat. She seems to like it but I have never assessed it. I think my girlfriend likes it as much. After all, …

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