Classic example of human body language signal and loving feline response

Human body language signal to cat elicits loving response

I am sure that you have your signals which you deliver to your cat which are designed to elicit a specific response. If you haven’t your should have. Cats reiprocate and have their signals to which we respond which reinforces the cat’s willingness to go on making those signals. They can be sounds and/or …

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People don’t want animals to be able to use language to communicate

Panbanisha a bonobo who learned to communicate with language

The reason why people don’t want animals to be able to communicate using language is because if it is decided that animals can do this it presents huge ethical problems. It’ll open up the door to a greater awareness that animals, including farm animals, have emotional, mental lives and the ability to communicate with …

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Why does our blood pressure rise when talking to a person but fall when talking to our cat?

Talking to your cat lowers blood pressure

We know that studies tell us that talking to our cat is more relaxing than speaking with another person.  Our blood pressure and heart rate normally increases during conversations with other people while both heart rate and pressure decrease when we speak to our cat.  Why is this?  There is quite a stark difference. …

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Communicating Telepathically With Animals May Help Deepen Our Bonds

Finding creative ways to communicate directly with our cats is essential. It is the most important way in which we can deepen the bonds between us. So the other day when read an article written by Dr. Linda Bender, DVM, I was fascinated by the way she is thinking outside the traditional box to …

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Animal Psychic and Communicator

An animal psychic hears what cat’s are saying inside her head. Do you believe in animal psychics? They are sometimes called animal whisperers but that phrase is used to mean a lot of things. There are lots of animal psychics and all of then seem to focus on an ability to communicate with animals …

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Devising Ways To Talk to Your Cat

Tests are being devised which will allow a person to put questions to animals including, of course, companion animals, about their welfare and happiness. It appears to be a bit of fiction that just might become fact. I am referring to Dr Doolittle who talked to the animals. A leading animal welfare researcher, Professor …

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“Cat Talk” – communication via intimacy and familiarity

“Cat Talk” or “Cat Speak” is a form of communication arising out of an intimate and close relationship. All of us, who have travelled to foreign countries, without foreign language skills, know that it is possible to manage; to get by and make ourselves understood. We use gestures, expressions, bits of the language, pointing …

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Talking to cats, high voice or natural voice?

by George (Cumberland, MD USA) Cassie having a conversation with me. Some cat owners will talk to their pets in their natural human voice. Others talk to cats using a high falsetto range. Which is better? My opinion is we should address cats in the auditory range most closely similar to their own. Cat’s …

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