Love for humans activates the brain more intensely than love for companion animals

Parental love is the most intense and more intense that one's love for a pet

A recently published study “Six types of loves differentially recruit reward and social cognition brain areas” explores how different types of love activate different parts of the brain. Researchers found that various forms of love, such as romantic love, love for friends, love for pets and love for family, involve different brain regions. These …

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Kitten’s cry versus baby’s cry

Kitten Crying

A kitten’s cry to demand something or other, usually warmth, food and security is more attractive than the baby’s cry. Discuss! Both the kitten’s cry and the baby’s cry are sounds which get the maternal and paternal juices flowing normally. It doesn’t always apply. Not everybody has the usual maternal instincts. There is a …

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Why do people love cats?

Loving a cat

The bottom line is that people love cats because they need to express their love towards a significant other and the cat is a great partner in that respect. Everyone needs to love and be loved. Each person will have their own version of the answer to the question in the title. There won’t …

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How to improve your relationship with your cat

Love your cat

I’ll approach this is two ways. Firstly, I’ll set out a road map with general principles and secondly list some things to do. These are personal views although I refer to Jackson Galaxy. There is a presumption that the cat is healthy and well. Pain affects behavior. Check it out if needs must. General …

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Classic example of human body language signal and loving feline response

Human body language signal to cat elicits loving response

I am sure that you have your signals which you deliver to your cat which are designed to elicit a specific response. If you haven’t your should have. Cats reiprocate and have their signals to which we respond which reinforces the cat’s willingness to go on making those signals. They can be sounds and/or …

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When Your Cat Asks To Be Cuddled

Cuddle the cat

The video is entitled “Please Cuddle The Cat” but I would call it “Cats Asks To Be Cuddled”. That’s what is looks like to me most of the time. It is so apparent that these cats love their moments of contact with their human caretaker/guardian so much that they want more of it. …

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