How do cats spread ringworm?

Ringworm glows under UV-A light

Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is spread by cats in direct contact with each other or with materials that have been contaminated with the skin debris of an infected cat or another animal or indeed a human. Ringworm is zoonotic, which means it can be transmitted between animals and humans. This does not only mean that animals …

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The Connection between Coronavirus and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Drugs for FIP and Covid-19 are very similar

There is an unusual and surprising connection between the coronavirus which is labelled Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2, and FIP. Both are scary illnesses or can be. They can both kill to devastating effect. They are both coronaviruses but that is not the connection I want to write about. There is a similarity in the alternative …

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Methods to prevent the entry of infectious disease in cat shelters

Animal Shelter Cats

Infectious disease is a major problem in cat shelters. The infection rate goes up 2 to 3 fold when a cat enters a rescue shelter. Some shelters at certain times may be worse places for a cat than being left out as an uncared for stray cat. Methods used to try and prevent infectious …

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Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) in Plain Language

FIP is caused by a virus. A virus is the sort of organism that gives us the common cold. The virus that causes FIP is a coronavirus – feline enteric coronavirus (FeCV). In infected cats the virus is found in: feces urine saliva FIP is spread from cat to cat but requires prolonged exposure …

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Feline Infectious Peritonitis Prevention

Feline Infectious Peritonitis Prevention I am not sure is there is something in this but it seems that Feline Infectious Peritonitis prevention may be possible by eliminating external stresses. Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) can, it seems, be triggered when the normally benign corona virus in the cat’s gut mutates due to external pressures. The …

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