Why are snow leopards endangered (2022)?

Snow leopard - superb cat and background

People ask, why are snow leopards endangered? The reason is because of us. This page adds some detail to that statement and refines it. In fact, this page is about the snow leopard’s status in the wild and its conservation. The sources for this page are: Wild Cats of the World (WoW) and the …

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Snow leopard population size (2022). Low and declining.

Snow leopard Flehmen response

The title to this page tells you that I’m going to provide you snow leopard population sizes as at 2022. It should be noted, however, that the latest information is 2016. That might seem quite bad but actually it’s quite good. It’s about six years out of date but you don’t get much better …

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Facts about the snow leopard – succinct with great pictures

Snow leopard - superb cat and background

Here are some facts about the snow leopard. These are summaries together with links to lots more. The snow leopard is elusive and mysterious; rarely seen. They have massive home ranges. They have the longest tails of all the cats on my assessment because they need them for balance. They chase down blue sheep …

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Tragedy: 3 snow leopards die of Covid

3 snow leopards die of Covid at Lincoln Children's Zoo

NEWS AND COMMENT: Lincoln Children’s Zoo in Nebraska have announced on their Facebook page at November 12, 2021 that three snow leopards passed away due to complications of Covid-19. They name the leopards as: Ranney, Everest, and Makalu. In contrast, a couple of Sumatran tigers made full recoveries after contracting Covid. It makes you …

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Pictures of the elusive, hard to see, snow leopard

Snow leopard on mountain is hard to see2

SPITI VALLEY, NORTH INDIA – NEWS AND COMMENT: These are great photographs of the snow leopard by photographer Saurabh Desai taken in 2019. What’s good about them, for me, is that they dramatically show the habitat of the snow leopard. These are 40° incline rocky slopes on which the snow leopard hunts and stays …

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Stunning picture of three snow leopards on narrow ledge set into a cliff face

Stunning photograph of three snow leopards on ledge in cliff face

Wow, this is a classy photograph and I am very demanding when it comes to standards in photography. I think this is the best snow leopard photograph I have seen. It shows us the cold, rocky, harsh landscape in which snow leopards live. The cats are looking at the camera. They are aware of …

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Snow Leopard Enterprises

Snow Leopard Enterprises is the Snow Leopard Trust’s flagship community-based conservation programme. It is also the oldest program and the largest. One more point to make; it is also another example of clever cat conservation. The Snow Leopard Trust is managed by smart people. They appear to have decided at the outset that the …

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Cougar Kills Livestock? Protect The Livestock!

If a large wild cat species is killing a farmer’s livestock there are basically two ways that the farmer can deal with the situation. He can kill the cat or protect his livestock¹. The choice that he makes depends on (a) the law – is there is a law concerning this particular matter? — …

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