Young pumas have spots for camouflage protection which entirely disappear in adolescence

Puma cub has spots for camouflage protection

It makes good sense that puma cubs have spots for camouflage protection as they are incredibly vulnerable. The spots disappear with age. This is an example of age-related differences in coat colour and patterning among the cat species. This change implies that nature has decided that the adult puma does not need camouflage protection …

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Residents of Los Angeles and its environs treasure their mountain lions

Scar the 5-year-old puma mysteriously shot in Santa Ana Mountains

NEWS AND COMMENT: There is a nice relationship between the citizens of Los Angeles and its environs and the mountain lion a.k.a. the puma which is good to see. They’ve clubbed together to build the world’s largest wildlife bridge to expand the habitat of the mountain lion in the Santa Ana Mountains just north …

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Tesla autopilot detects mountain lion running across road (video)

Tesla autopilot avoids puma running across road in Montana

Townsend, Montana, USA: This short video neatly sums up a lot about the relationship between America’s mountain lion (puma, cougar) and people. This iconic wild cat, which is so closely associated with America (but which is found in all the Americas), was eradicated from the entire eastern half of the U.S. because it was …

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Why hasn’t California got a farmers’ insurance scheme against mountain lion predation?

Mountain lion caught in camera trap by National Park Services AP

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA – OPINION/NEWS: It is reported that a mountain lion who was being tracked by scientists as part of a study has been shot dead because it had hunted and killed the livestock of a farmer who’d reported the loss of 12 animals over 2 years. It is illegal to hunt …

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Three mountain lions shot dead because they were scavenging on a human corpse

Pima Canyon Trail where three mountain lions were shot because they were scavenging on a human corpse

The report in The Times newspaper is clear. A mother mountain lion and her two offspring were not suspected of killing the person that they were eating but nonetheless all three were shot dead because Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) decided that they posed a risk to people as they showed no fear …

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California: Killing pests with poisons ends up poisoning everything else including pumas

Rat pesticide kills rats and precious species

A Californian, commercial pest controller, Wilmar Mejia, is more clear-headed about the dangers of using poisons to kill rats than his betters and rulers, the Californian politicians, who make the law on the use of poisons to control rats and other pests. He used to use a blood thinner called ‘brodifacoum’ to kill rats …

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If a cougar mauls a dog and kills a domestic cat you shoot the cougar

Beautiful puma

The policy of conservation officerso in the area of Penticton1, British Columbia, Canada, is to shoot dead a cougar (even a young one2) if it mauls someone’s dog and kills a cat. Conservation officers do this because it indicates a pattern of taking domestic pets instead of sticking to a ‘natural diet of deer …

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