Cat Survives Horrendous California Wildfire

cat survives California wildfire

By Michael and Sandy Sandy writes: As you may know, we’re experiencing tragic losses of homes and animals in fires that are raging our neighbor, Lake County. It’s been going on since Saturday afternoon, and spreading fast. One thousand homes have been lost, in addition to many businesses. I’ve been spending a lot of …

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Cat escapes hotel seconds before it collapses after fire

This is a short article about cat survival and will get your heart pumping to start the week off right. We’ve all heard cats have nine lives, and this cat is living proof. Meet Sylvester, who resided at the Towers Hotel in Dauphin, Manitoba until a fire last Thursday morning caused the building to …

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Cat Ear Anatomy – Henry’s Pocket – Why it Exists

Despite every source of information that I can find reporting that the feline cutaneous marginal pouch (Henry’s Pocket) has no known use or it has no use, my theory is that this interesting piece of cat ear anatomy enhances high frequency sound detection in order to more successfully locate the cat’s primary prey, mice and …

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