The way a domestic cat signals that they are frightened

Larry and Palmerston

A cat might be anxious because of something that is happening around them or not far from them. They might be slightly afraid and the normal reaction will be to run away silently and hide. If they are walking at the time, they will lower their body to tense the muscles of their legs …

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3 sounds that a domestic cat might make when cornered and frightened

Sphynx cat hissing

Normally domestic and unowned cats have a tendency to retreat and hide when confronted with something or someone that frightens them. They do this silently as making a sound during this action would be pointless. But if they are cornered and can’t run off, they will be forced to defend themselves and part of …

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Caterwauling in domestic, stray and feral cats

Caterwauling illustration by MikeB

Although caterwauling is commonly associated with unsterilised female cats on heat calling for a mate at night, this loud feline vocalisation can also be used in different contexts with the general message: “I am angry. Clear off, or I will attack you”. Perhaps, slightly confusingly, caterwauling is for some people uniquely associated with females …

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Why is my cat anxious at night?

Yowling at night

Firstly, you got to be sure that your cat is anxious. You might be mistaken. But anxious cats tend to vocalise their anxiety through yowling at night or meowing. And they might find it difficult to settle down and therefore restlessness is a reasonable symptom of anxiety. Or a cat might hide to feel …

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7 reasons why a cat might yowl after eating

Siamese cat yowling

A cat yowling after eating is fairly unusual. I think that there are two initial aspects of the question which need examining. Firstly, what kind of cat sound is a yowl and under what circumstances do cats normally make this sound? The second is whether the yowling is linked to the eating. A feline …

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