Prince William backs trophy hunting according to Botswana’s president

Prince William and President Masisi

It’s disappointing. Prince William aka the Duke of Cambridge supports the return of elephant hunting in Botswana. He believes that it will help with conservation. Trophy hunting does not contribute to wild species conservation. It is a mistake to think that it does and I am surprised and disappointed that William backs it or …

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Panthera, a big cat conservation charity, corrupted by $750,000 partnership with Randgold

The chief executive of Randgold Resources, Mark Bristow, is a trophy hunter. He likes to shoot African lions and leopards and any other iconic animal that he can get permission to shoot by paying large sums of money. He is also an advisor to a leading big cat conservation charity, Panthera. This looks like …

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Jared Whitworth Vice President of Whitworth Tool Inc. shot Kruger Lion

Jared Whitworth lion killer

A rich American sport hunter travelled to Africa to shoot the most glamorous lion he could find. He used people in Africa to organise things and make it happen. He did not mind if the rules were bent and he had plenty of money to get his way – it allegedly cost $80,000. He …

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Picture of boy holding rifle and dead ginger cat he shot

Boy holds dead cat in left hand and rifle in the right

2 NOTICES: WARNING AS THIS PICTURE IS NOT PLEASANT. Secondly, in some ways I am sorry to publish the picture. Yes, I am reluctant to do it. I have blurred the child’s face and the text on his shirt to anonymize him although Facebook has not. I know how people become sick of this …

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