20 facts about the closest relations of the domestic cat

African wildcat compared with domestic cat

Intro: this page contains some opinions too! Here are 20 facts about the closest relations of the domestic cat. The Near Eastern wildcat aka North African wildcat is the ancestor of the domestic cat. There is one group of small wild cats which are very similar in appearance to the domestic cat, specifically the …

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Chinese mountain cat is a subspecies and is not the ancestor of domestic cats in China

Chinese Mountain cat

I am picking up on a study that I have written about before which genetically analysed the Chinese mountain cat to confirm (1) that it is a subspecies of wildcat and not species in its own right and (2) that it was not domesticated at the time the African wildcat was domesticated about 10,000 …

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Chinese mountain cat is hybridized and was not domesticated

Chinese mountain cat

Recent research tells us two things about the Chinese mountain cat aka Chinese desert cat: they are hybridized and they were not involved in the cat domestication process. Hybridization Hybridization is sometimes referred to as ‘genetic admixture’. Over many years the Chinese mountain cat has mated with both domestic and feral cats and other …

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Video of Chinese desert (mountain) cat

Chinese mountain cat

Here is a video from China of the rarely discussed Chinese desert cat (Felis bieti). There are also clips of snow leopards. ‘Chinese desert cat’ is perhaps a misnomer because this wild cat does not live in the desert. It is also called the Chinese mountain cat. The video is really nice and very …

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Picture of female Chinese mountain cat and her kittens in the wild

Chinese mountain cat and kittens

This picture of a female Chinese mountain cat and her kittens has just emerged although the date on the camera trap photograph tells me that it was taken on 19 September 2018 at 5:51 PM in the afternoon. It seems that she has made a den in the side of a hill. It seems …

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