Chinese Mountain cat aka desert cat (2023)

Chinese mountain or desert cat

The article is over several pages with links at the base of each page to the next. This is for technical reasons. Overview The Chinese Mountain cat is more commonly named the Chinese desert cat or ‘desert cat’, although it is a little misleading as their habitat is mountainous terrain. However, little is known …

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Video of Chinese desert (mountain) cat

Chinese mountain cat

Here is a video from China of the rarely discussed Chinese desert cat (Felis bieti). There are also clips of snow leopards. ‘Chinese desert cat’ is perhaps a misnomer because this wild cat does not live in the desert. It is also called the Chinese mountain cat. The video is really nice and very …

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Picture of a Chinese desert cat a.k.a. Chinese mountain cat

Chinese mountain cat

This cat should be called the Chinese steppe cat (an area of flat, unforested grassland). Perhaps the name Chinese desert cat is misleading because it inhabits barren steppe country and mountain brush terrain. It lives in the same general area as the giant Panda. This is a good picture of a wild cat species …

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The wild cat species who failed to become the domestic cat

The DNA of all domestic cats has no trace of any wild cat species other than the African wildcat (also Near Eastern wildcat and Arabian wildcat – felis silvestris lybica). However, 10,000 years ago, there were a number of other suitable wild cat candidates who could have become the ancestor of the modern-day domestic …

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