LaPerm Cat (comprehensive page)

LaPerm Cat

Above: LaPerm Cat “Red” photograph copyright © Helmi Flick The article is in several parts with links to the next part at the end of each section. Quick Guide Origin This is the “curly haired beauty” of the world of cats. There are long and shorthaired varities. The longhaired cats have semi-long hair. The …

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Maine Wave – Rexed Maine Coon Cat

Rexed Maine Coon

The Maine Wave, a rexed Maine Coon cat, never became a recognised cat breed. FYI – ‘rexed’ means having a curly or wavy-haired coat. The history of the Maine Wave is rather patchy and unfortunate. With more luck and some common sense, it could have been a successful cat breed. The first The curly …

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Pedigree or Moggie? – They All Deserve Forever Loving Homes

Tabby Oriental SH

My husband Marty and I still grieve over the recent loss of our beloved Oriental Shorthair kitty, Dr Hush Puppy. His brother, Sir Hubble Pinkerton is very lonely and is missing feline companionship. Although Dr Hush Puppy will be forever missed, with only one remaining kitty, the house feels empty and is much too …

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Cornish Rex Cat

Introduction Described as “the greyhound of the cat world”1, it is not difficult to see why. The appearance is sleek and athletic. The cat is described as “extrovert and curvaceous”2. This cat is one of the Rex cat breeds. Five more are featured on this website. The others are the Devon Rex, the Selkirk …

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