Picture of a Vampire Cat

Vampire Cat

Oriental Shorthair The Oriental Shorter is a cat which is very much predisposed to looking like a vampire although there has to be extreme breeding to create those large, bat-like ears which in the over-bred Oriental Shorthair tend to stick out sideways looking as if they are bat wings. You add to that the …

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Infographic about the Oriental Shorthair

Infographic about the Oriental Shorthair

An infographic about the Oriental Shorthair (shortened to the ‘OSH’). When I think about the Oriental Shorthair I think of an elegant, slender cat with a long face, which is a member of the Siamese cat ‘family’ (a big family 😎). The Oriental Shorthair is basically a contemporary Siamese cat (c.f. the Applehead Siamese) …

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Amyloidosis in caracals and domestic cats

Amyloidosis in wild and domestic cats to which the Siamese is susceptible with familial inheritance as is the caracal

Amyloidosis describes the build-up of an abnormal protein called amyloid in organs and tissues throughout the body. It can affect people and cats; wild and domestic. There is a distinct overlap between domestic and wild cats here which I find interesting. There is a study on amyloidosis in caracals (March 2020), which is a …

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What cat breed is the most sociable?

Oriental Shorthair cat

Cats who are sociable towards humans and cats are friendly cats. A recent study of about 4,000 purebred cats living in Finland and carried out by scientists from the University of Helsinki, through questionnaires sent to the cats’ owners, concluded that the cats from the Far East were the friendliest. To be more specific …

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Oriental Shorthair with puppy ears

Picture of an Oriental Shorthair with puppy ears

This is a picture and video of an Oriental Shorthair cat with floppy, puppy ears. The cat looks as if he might be a cross between an Oriental Shorthair and a Scottish Fold but I am pretty sure that he is not. That said, this Oriental Shorthair has puppy-like ears because they flop over, …

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Fabric eating and pedigree Oriental cats

Oriental shorthair kitten

It’s become quite well known that the family of Oriental cat breeds which includes the Siamese, Javanese and Oriental shorthair and longhair (and other breeds), are susceptible to developing eating non-nutritious substances, which is called pica, and in particular fabric. The big question is what causes it. And the small answer is that the …

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