Pros and cons of taking your leash-trained cat to public places for walks

Woman takes her cat for a walk in the evening in suburbia

I’d like to provide my input first and secondly I have added the experiences of others with their thoughts and advice. Whether leash training and taking your cat for a walk in a public place is good or bad depends on a variety of factors, the most important of which is the character of …

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4 reasons why cats like to chill out in sinks

Boo in sink

The question contains one of the reasons why domestic cats sometimes like to snooze or sleep inside a bathroom sink. I am referring to the phrase “chill out”. The bathroom sink is uniquely placed to provide certain benefits to a domestic cat particularly while living in a hot environment. Due to global warming, and …

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Should I keep my cat in at night?

Colony of cats out at night

Should I keep my cat in at night? This is a very often quoted question. There are millions of answers. It’s useful to ask why a domestic cat should be kept at night. Are they good reasons and is the decision sound? Wildlife Clearly, a lot of people think that domestic cats do most …

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