Boosting a Cat’s Immune System Naturally

Conventionally, a cat’s immune system is treated medically in two ways (a) innoculations stimulate the immune system to create antibodies to fight infections and (b) when the immune system goes awry corticosteroids are administered to suppress it. There are some complimentary treatments for the immune system. Practitioners of complimentary treatments say that positive mental …

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Health: Can The Life of a Domestic Cat Be Too Sterile?

What I mean is this: is a domestic cat exposed to enough microbes and germs in order to keep both his immune system and his gastrointestinal tract (GI) healthy? With respect to people, there is evidence that germs from family members keep immune systems working properly. There should be a steady exposure to bacteria …

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British Nobility Bungle Captive Lion Management

Viscount Weymouth, the 39-year-old son of the Marquess of Bath, had decided on a lion breeding program at the famous Longleat Safari Park that would ensure that there were always lion cubs at the park. Visitors love the cubs. People come to see them. They are a major attraction. The focus, as expected, was …

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Can cats be allergic to humans?

There is an inordinate amount of information on the Internet about how people can be allergic to their cat. As I understand it, about 10%, or perhaps more, of the human population are allergic to cats. I wonder whether a person’s allergy to the domestic cat is an accident of nature or whether it …

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The Tip of a Cat’s Nose

This is a discussion about the tip of the cat’s nose and a follow up to my page on a condition called “Bengal Nose”. The tip of a cat’s nose is a triangle of skin and is made up of nostrils, the nasal plane (planum nasale) and the philtrum (a groove). This area is …

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