Can cats detect hypoglycaemia in their owner?

Can cats detect hypoglycemia in diabetic owners?

In summary, I think it is plausible that domestic cats can detect the levels of acetone in a diabetic person’s breath and measure that against their health and well-being. They can therefore potentially alert the diabetic person’s partner to problems. This is a discussion article. A story prompted me to write it. The Evening …

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Rue is a plant that may work as a cat deterrent when crushed

Rue as a cat deterrent

Rue (Ruta graveolens) is a herb that was referred to as a cat deterrent in the first century AD by the Roman author Pliny in his massive book Natural History. This deterrent has a very long and distinguished pedigree. Excuse the pun. Not only did the Roman author Pliny mention it those many years …

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How sensitive is a cat’s sense of taste?

Domestic cat's sensitivity to four basic tastes

A domestic cat’s sense of taste is not quite as good as ours which is reassuring because in many respects the domestic cat’s senses are superior to ours. However, as you might know, they have difficulty in tasting sweetness. Like us, the domestic cat responds to 4 basic tastes: sour bitter salt and sweet. …

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Why do snow leopards have enlarged nasal cavities?

Snow leopard Flehmen response

The question in the title is a reference to the Jacobson’s organ a.k.a. the vomeronasal organ. The question in the title is slightly inaccurate as the vomeronasal organ is a separate to the usual nasal cavities. All cats and some other animals (snakes and many mammals) have this and it is located inside the …

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Can cats detect cancer?

Cat nose can detect cancers?

Although, apparently, there are no studies on domestic cats detecting cancer in humans, I believe that they can based upon some straightforward research and an excellent first-hand account. Research does, however, indicate that dogs can detect many types of cancer through odour signatures in a person’s skin, urine, breath, sweat and faeces. THERE ARE …

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Is a wet cat nose good?

Cat's nose leather is normally dry

First things first: I’m talking about the “nose leather” (in cat fancy parlance), the flat bit at the front! Dr Yuki Hattori, who is in the news at the moment, writes in his book What Cats Want that a wet nose is a good sign provided she is healthy. He also writes that “a …

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