Grinning, senseless, obsessive hunter kills snow leopard and imports it into USA

Soudy: Hossein Soudy Golabchi obsessive trophy hunter

He is originally from Iran, now an American businessman. He’s Hossein Soudy Golabchi. His nickname is ‘Soudy’. He is a self-declared obsessive trophy hunter. His specialty is killing wild sheep and goats of various species. The Beijing Museum of Natural History almost worship him as he has donated a lot of his trophies to …

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Donald Jr (left) and Eric Trump (right) posing with a leopard they shot on a hunting trip to Africa

Donald Trump defends his son’s trophy hunting in Africa. Does that sicken you? Does it make you detest the Trump family? Day by day Trump looks increasingly beleaguered, lost and disorganised. His administration appears to be chaotic. And to cap it off, he defends his sons who love to kill big game in Africa. …

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Hunter Enjoys Killing Kittens With A Bow And Arrow

Hunter likes to kill kittens with bow and arrow

This is mainly a discussion about the difference in mentality of hunters and cat lovers/animal rights advocates. Australian Renee Sullivan, 20, enjoys hunting. She likes to hunt cats of any age. She uses a bow and arrow. She likes to kill kittens therefore. You can see three in the picture that she had just …

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Brainwashed 12-year-old girl hunter who loves killing animals is similar to brainwashed 13-year-old ISIS boy who murdered prisoner

There is little or no difference in terms of mentality between the now infamous 12-year-old American girl who has been brainwashed by her father to love hunting and killing animals and the boy of a similar age who has also been brainwashed by his parents to the point where he can murder a person …

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