Margay cats – the lifestyle of a tree-dweller


This page on margay cats is a continuation from the major page on this cat, which is here: Margay Range. I’d recommend visiting that page too. The linked page above also discusses appearance and threats. The most important aspect of the wild cats is the continual impact human activity has on their range (distribution). …

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Where are margays found?


At 2019: The countries where margays are found are listed below: Argentina Belize Bolivia Brazil Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador El Salvador French Guiana Guatemala Guyana Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay Venezuela Boliva The states from Brazil to Venezuela are plurinational. Bolivia is a republic. Presence Uncertain in the United States. Below …

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Which cat is the best climber?


I have decided that the margay is the best climber. This is quite a difficult question because all cats are good to excellent climbers. Of the big cats the leopard is the strongest climber but the tiger climbs beautifully as well. However, no other wild cat is quite so attuned to the task of …

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The wild cat species who failed to become the domestic cat

The DNA of all domestic cats has no trace of any wild cat species other than the African wildcat (also Near Eastern wildcat and Arabian wildcat – felis silvestris lybica). However, 10,000 years ago, there were a number of other suitable wild cat candidates who could have become the ancestor of the modern-day domestic …

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