Pets versus Jets in respect of global warming?

Pets versus Jets in respect of global warming?

It’s quite a catchy title, isn’t it? Pets versus jets. The Paw Post coined it. It encapsulates the discussion about whether keeping dogs is more damaging to the environment than the average private jet customer who apparently is responsible for 3.3 tons of carbon dioxide emitted into the environment per year. In contrast, the …

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Wet pet food much worse for the environment than dry pet food

Dry versus wet pet foods from a global warming standpoint

The New Scientist website tells us that wet pet food has seven times the carbon emissions of dry cat food. They refer to a study which I can’t access which tells us that an assessment of around 940 different kinds of Brazilian cat and dog food found that producing wet pet food creates 690% …

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Wet cat food has a higher negative environmental impact than dry cat food

Is dry cat food cheaper than wet

Taking a dog’s diet, researchers concluded that a dog would be responsible for 828.37 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per year if consuming a dry diet compared to 6541 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per year if they consumed a wet diet. There is a stark difference. The scientists highlighted the importance of considering …

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Should we not replace our cat when they pass away in the interests of the environment?

Donnachadh McCarthy

An environmental auditor, Donnachadh McCarthy, states that in order to protect the planet from global warming we should consider not replacing our cat or dog when they pass away because of their carbon footprint. He also states that a lot of companion animals live rather poor lives because, for example, dogs are left at …

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