Dry pet food can poison both companion animal AND owner


This is a short note that reminds us that dry cat and dog food has the ability to be toxic to both cat or dog AND their caregiver at the same time. The most recent example, reported currently online, concerns an American product. Carolina Prime Pet, Inc, announced on Friday it is recalling 400 …

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Garages can collect pet food donations from the public to supply animal rescues

Pet food donations delivered to Stewart's Donnybrook automotive repair shop

This is an idea from Gary Stewart in Tyler, Texas who I believe owns and certainly manages Stewart’s Donnybrook Automotive. He is in the news because he’s been insightful enough and generous enough to start and run a pet food collection program on behalf of a couple of local animal rescues in Henderson and …

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Eureka! Vegan pet food saves planet Earth

Plant-based diet for dogs and cats would be transformative for the world

This is a remarkable study but one that was due to happen as it is now possible to make nutritionally complete and balanced vegan pet food both for dogs and cats. Yes, put aside the notion that cats have to eat processed, sterilized, diseased meat from livestock and road kill and think vegan diet. …

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Pet Food Uniform Regulatory Reform Act of 2024 (PURR Act) will result in even more tainted pet food

"PURR will result in even more tainted pet food, which means more sick and dead animals" - Nathan Winograd

Nathan Winograd – the voice of America’s displaced pets – says that the PURR Act will lead to more sick and dead animals as it will weaken oversight. He reports that there “have been 3,691 FDA pet product recalls,” and “the vast majority — 68% — were pet food related.” RELATED: How To Read …

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“Cats can live on dog food” infographic

"Cats can live on dog food". No, they cannot as in time it will make them ill with serious dietary deficiencies.

The infographic explains in a concise way why the belief by some owners that cats can live on dog food is entirely wrong as due to dietary deficiencies, over time, the cat will become seriously ill. As nearly everyone knows – largely thanks to the internet – cats are predators who’ve evolved to be …

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Pets versus Jets in respect of global warming?

Pets versus Jets in respect of global warming?

It’s quite a catchy title, isn’t it? Pets versus jets. The Paw Post coined it. It encapsulates the discussion about whether keeping dogs is more damaging to the environment than the average private jet customer who apparently is responsible for 3.3 tons of carbon dioxide emitted into the environment per year. In contrast, the …

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‘Many people use needles to poke a small hole in dog and cat food to poison dogs and cats’ in China

In China it is alleged that a person or persons are poisoning dogs and cats by injecting the poison into bags of cat and dog food on the shelves of retailers

This is what someone tweeted recently: “Nowadays, many people use needles to poke a small hole in the dog food and cat food delivered by others to poison them. And now there are people poisoning the grass on the road. Some people in my country have gone crazy. I don’t know what the situation …

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Wet cat food has a higher negative environmental impact than dry cat food

Is dry cat food cheaper than wet

Taking a dog’s diet, researchers concluded that a dog would be responsible for 828.37 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per year if consuming a dry diet compared to 6541 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per year if they consumed a wet diet. There is a stark difference. The scientists highlighted the importance of considering …

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