Wet cat food with artificial bone. Infographic.

Current wet cat food is always soft. It fails to replicate the domestic cat’s natural diet of flesh and bone. Cats need bone on which to chew (sheer) for gum health and jaw exercise. There is an argument too that over the very long term current wet cat food may impact the evolution of …

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Revealed the 2 best wet cat foods in the US according to two AI bots

Fictional depiction of wet cat food

I decided to use two different AI computer systems to see if they cross-checked in responding to this question: What are the three best selling wet cat foods in the US? The two AI systems were Bing’s Copilot and Google’s Gemini. They both agreed that Sheba Perfect Portions and Fancy Feast Classic were the …

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How long can a domestic cat survive without food OR without water?

How long can cats survive on food only or water only?

This is a commonly asked question and I’ve not yet seen a really good answer. When you ask how long a domestic cat can survive without food you are presuming that the cat has access to water and therefore you are asking for how long a cat can survive on water only. Technically, the …

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Minimising wet cat food waste

My cat Gabriel

I have several pages on minimising wet cat food waste. One concerns ensuring that your cat eats all the wet cat food provided. Click here if that interests you. The method is presented in an infographic. This is another ‘tip’. Although I confess that I am not a great fan of giving tips. It …

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Working out the protein content of wet and dry cat food for comparison (infographic)

Protein content of wet versus dry cat food comparison

I am happy with this infographic which I hope explains in a clear way how to compare the protein content of wet and dry cat foods. It can be puzzling. The protein content is important as protein is the most important nutrient in cat food. From time to time a cat caregiver might want …

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No wet cat food waste (infographic)

Empty bowl under a no waste wet cat food regime

Do you aspire to that cat caregiving utopian ideal of no wet food waste left in the bowl after a feeding or even after five feedings? Well, I’ve achieved it. I’m boasting but I’ve done it through precision feeding. The Infographic explains the MO but I will add a few words. There are perhaps …

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Taurine is essential for cat health AND it may extend the lives of humans

Red Bull contains taurine which may extend human lifespan by 8 years!!

Taurine has been discussed a lot on the internet in the context of the domestic cat’s diet as it is an essential nutrient. For cats a diet lacking in sufficient quantities of taurine can lead to taurine deficiency the symptoms of which can include feline taurine retinopathy, or more commonly, feline central retinal degeneration …

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