Tip from domestic cats on how humans should wash their hair

Cats don't use shampoo!

UK: This is a strange topic and a short one post but I strongly sense that the contents are true and useful to those who question the status quo and like to try new things. You may have heard of Mathew Parris. He is a longstanding Times journalist and a former member of Parliament. …

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Which cat is easiest to take care of?

My cat Gabriel

In selecting a cat to adopt your main or sole criteria might be easy maintenance! 😎 A fair point. The question is ‘which cat?’ I guess this means either an individual cat or a type of cat or a breed of cat. The answer is clear to me. The cat which is easiest to …

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Infographic on domestic cat coat grooming care

Cat grooming and hygiene - human intervention

Here are some brief notes in the form of an infographic on human intervention in helping their cat to maintain a good and healthy coat. In terms of hygiene and keeping the coat in excellent condition, human intervention is only normally needed for semi-longhaired and longhaired cats (mainly the latter). Through selective breeding, the …

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Why do cats smack their lips?

Grooming around the mouth versus displacement activity

Domestic cats do not smack their lips. They use their tongue to groom themselves around the mouth because they are fastidiously clean creatures. They need to remove food particles from around their mouth; called ‘autogrooming’. As opposed to ‘allogrooming’ which is grooming another cat or a person. It’s a simple as that really. The …

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Help needed. My eight-month-old cat, Wesley, grooms my wife’s hair at 4 AM.

Domestic cat allogrooms their female human caregiver which is tricky because the hair is long

You will see quite a lot of this: domestic cats grooming their human caregiver not only on their hand or their arm but also on their head. It is clearly impractical because the hair on a human’s head is far too long for a domestic cat to groom. The hair gets stuck in their …

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Why do cats groom themselves after eating wet canned food?

Cat licking their lips after eating

The question implies that domestic cats groom themselves after eating wet canned food but not after eating dry food. I’m not sure that that is entirely correct. This is because it is instinctive for them to groom themselves after eating. And it seems obvious as to the reason why. They start by licking their …

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