Reason why cats sometimes lick themselves after being stroked. INFOGRAPHIC.

As I say in the infographic there are a few well-rehearsed theories about this, which are incorrect as far as I am concerned 😎🙄. I don’t think science has intervened in this discussion so we are reliant on conjecture. However, I feel my theory which may be novel and unique is the best and …

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Persian cat fur is unnaturally long unfortunately which makes a lion cut a practical solution

Persian kitten given a lion cut because of poop on the bottom

Giving a Persian cut for health reasons (some do it for the look) is a loving aspect of cat care. But it is bit peculiar that we have Persian cat breeders doing all they can to give their cats long fur following the breed standard for it to be shaved off because it is …

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Tip from domestic cats on how humans should wash their hair

Cats don't use shampoo!

UK: This is a strange topic and a short one post but I strongly sense that the contents are true and useful to those who question the status quo and like to try new things. You may have heard of Mathew Parris. He is a longstanding Times journalist and a former member of Parliament. …

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Why do cats smack their lips?

Grooming around the mouth versus displacement activity

Domestic cats do not smack their lips. They use their tongue to groom themselves around the mouth because they are fastidiously clean creatures. They need to remove food particles from around their mouth; called ‘autogrooming’. As opposed to ‘allogrooming’ which is grooming another cat or a person. It’s a simple as that really. The …

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Why do cats groom themselves after eating wet canned food?

Cat licking their lips after eating

The question implies that domestic cats groom themselves after eating wet canned food but not after eating dry food. I’m not sure that that is entirely correct. This is because it is instinctive for them to groom themselves after eating. And it seems obvious as to the reason why. They start by licking their …

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