How do cats show dominance?

Feline dominance hierarchy

Both the behaviour of the dominant cat as well as that of the submissive cat are discussed here. There are two sides to this form of feline behaviour. Dominant cats will block the movement of subordinate cats. Sometimes they will replace or supersede the movements of the submissive cat. The dominant cat might bat …

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Pumas live alone with important exceptions

Two unrelated female pumas share the carcass of a prey animal killed by one of them

A 2002 book on the wild cats tells me that “like most felids, pumas live alone, and apart from associations for mating purposes the only prolonged contact is between females and their kittens” (Wild Cats of the World page 260). That opening sentence on the social organisation of the puma a.k.a. mountain lion appears, …

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Do domestic cats have a hierarchy?

Do domestic cats have a hierarchy when living in groups

You might also ask whether domestic cats have a hierarchy with humans? Some people, even experts, think that domestic cats living in a group do have a hierarchy but it is untrue. I am able to refer to my general knowledge acquired over many years of writing about cats and to a couple of …

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How do 25-30 pound Maine Coon cats get on with normally sized 10 pound domestic cats? Do they take advantage of their size?

Large Maine Coon with small random bred cat

The question must refer to a multi-cat household in which there are cats of various sizes. The question is: Do the bigger cats bully the smaller cats? That’s my interpretation of the question in round terms. The reference to the Maine Coon breed is not strictly relevant. In all the reading that I have …

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Larger dog tells smaller dog to leave family cat alone (video)

The title to this post explains it. The family companion animal dynamics and hierarchy are quite interesting. You know what they say: size matters. [weaver_show_posts cats=”” tags=”cat-hierarchy” author=”” author_id=”” single_post=”” post_type=” orderby=”date” sort=”ASC” number=”1″ show=”full” hide_title=”” hide_top_info=”1″ hide_bottom_info=”1″ show_featured_image=”1″ hide_featured_image=”” show_avatar=”” show_bio=”” excerpt_length=”” style=”background-color:HoneyDew; border:2px dotted darkgrey; padding:12px” class=”” header=”Associated page (this is a …

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