Signs that a cat can’t establish his territory outside their owner’s home

Cats looking out of window might rarely lead to one succumbing to redirected aggression

In a suburban environment where there are houses and backyards (gardens) close together and where there are cat owners, often the backyard of one home is shared by more than one cat as each claims it as part of their home range. In areas of dense home and cat owning families there will be …

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Unneutered male cats have a more masculine facial appearance compared to neutered male cats

Tomcat jowls created by the presence of testosterone

This is a discussion about whether the neutering of male cats (castration) changes their facial appearance. It can also have an impact on their overall appearance indirectly i.e. lower metabolism leading to putting on weight. But I’m focusing on the face. My argument is that it feminises the male cat face by making it …

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How do cats show dominance?

Feline dominance hierarchy

Both the behaviour of the dominant cat as well as that of the submissive cat are discussed here. There are two sides to this form of feline behaviour. Dominant cats will block the movement of subordinate cats. Sometimes they will replace or supersede the movements of the submissive cat. The dominant cat might bat …

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You want to adopt a cat which is less likely to hunt than normal

You want to adopt a cat that is less likely to hunt and kill

In general, cat owners don’t like the fact that their domestic cat companions hunt. Clearly, I’m referring to cats allowed outside. A lot of cat owners also want their cats to go outside so that they are mentally stimulated and can express their natural desires. But they don’t like the fact that they kill …

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The social function of tail up in domestic cats

Feral cat greeting

Introduction: This article on the social function of tail up in domestic cats is based a scientific research paper of very similar title prepared by S.Cafazzo and E.Natoli. and which was published on the internet by Science Direct. The right to read the entire document was purchased by me. It is a summarized version …

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Pet caracal dominates and frightens domestic cat (video)

Pet caracal intimidates resident domestic cat and it is unpleasant to see.

For me, this is an example of an unacceptable pet cat arrangement. This is about a Russian living in Russia who has acquired a semi-domesticated caracal, a medium-sized wild cat species and he or she also has a true domestic cat. They live together. He finds it acceptable. I don’t because the caracal is …

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Do domestic cats have a hierarchy?

Do domestic cats have a hierarchy when living in groups

You might also ask whether domestic cats have a hierarchy with humans? Some people, even experts, think that domestic cats living in a group do have a hierarchy but it is untrue. I am able to refer to my general knowledge acquired over many years of writing about cats and to a couple of …

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