Ukraine war will be won by the most persistent, resilient and persevering

Persistence will win the Ukraine war

There is a sign in stands at Roland Garros, the famous tennis complex where the French Open is played. It reads: “Victory belongs to the most persevering“. Ray Kroc purchased the fast-food company McDonald’s in 1961 from the McDonald brothers and was its CEO from 1967 to 1973. Kroc is credited with the global expansion of McDonald’s, turning it into …

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Blame capitalism, anthroparchy, white supremacy and patriarchy for animal shelter killings

Author and book

This article is within the umbrella of Critical Race Theory (CRT – see base of article for an explanation 😎👍 and a definition of ‘anthroparchy’). The source of the article is an article written by Nathan Winograd, the architect of America’s No Kill Movement which has saved the lives of millions of shelter animals. …

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Do domestic cats feel betrayed for an instant when you instruct a veterinarian to euthanise them?


The question is philosophical. When you decide to take your cat companion to a veterinarian to have them euthanized because of chronic health reasons, does he or she feel betrayed that you are killing them? Yes, you are killing your cat but for humane and moral reasons. Euthanasia when carried out to relieve a …

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World-renowned philosopher says that having sex with animals is okay

Peter Singer

This story comes as a bit of a shock. Nathan Winograd, American’s expert on the animal sheltering industry, has emailed me with an in-depth and lengthy argument against the proposition that bestiality (sex with animals) is acceptable; an idea that comes from a very highly respected animal advocate and animal rights activist who wrote …

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Living with companion animals has not worked out and it needs to be re-evaluated

Cat and dog domestication has not worked out as planned

Some people think that it is time to give up our cats and dogs as it is unethical and their domestication not worked out well. It’s time to end it. This would apply to other animals as well. It’s a whopping suggestion. It’s probably entirely impractical seeing as there are probably up to 500 …

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One quarter of all the world’s dogs are human companions in homes while three quarters are free-ranging or feral

In the idea of free ranging dogs a good one?

On the Psychology Today website Dr. Marc Bekoff introduces his article by saying that there are 1 billion dogs on the planet and 25% of them are living in homes with companions. The remaining 75% are free ranging or feral. Simple mathematics tells us that there are 750 million dogs on the planet without …

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