What happens physiologically when a cat is humanely euthanized? Infographic.

What exactly happens when a cat is humanely euthanised? What physiological processes take place? The infographic summarises the answers to these questions. When a domestic cat is humanely euthanized, the process is typically carried out using an intravenous (IV) injection of a euthanasia solution, most commonly a barbiturate such as pentobarbital. This drug rapidly …

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Do domestic cats feel betrayed for an instant when you instruct a veterinarian to euthanise them?


The question is philosophical. When you decide to take your cat companion to a veterinarian to have them euthanized because of chronic health reasons, does he or she feel betrayed that you are killing them? Yes, you are killing your cat but for humane and moral reasons. Euthanasia when carried out to relieve a …

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Is euthanizing a healthy cat cruel?

Is euthanising a healthy cat cruel?

Let’s first define the word ‘cruel’. It means “wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.” Note that there has to be the causation of pain and suffering. Euthanasia done properly by a veterinarian using proper techniques in conjunction with respect and care does not cause pain and suffering to …

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Bird flu kills five domestic cats in the United States of America


NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a worrying development. I’ve written about bird flu before and the fact that it is a zoonotic disease which means that it can be transmitted between animals and people. Covid-19 is also a zoonotic disease and we know how badly that affected the entire planet. And today, The Sun, …

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Jackson Galaxy provides advice on when to euthanize your cat (and Michael adds some more)

We should be with our cat when she/he is euthanized

For those who are unsure, Jackson Galaxy is America’s celebrity cat behaviorist. His advice is excellent. Jackson’s approach to the difficult decision as to when to euthanise your cat is spiritual. Provided the cat’s guardian is in the right place psychologically, her cat will tell her when it is time. If you are a …

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Companion animal euthanasia is on the agenda due to advances in veterinary treatments

Last moments of a cat before euthanasia

NEWS AND COMMENT: In the UK, some veterinarians are questioning the judgement of cat and dog owners when it comes to a decision about when to euthanise their companion animal. It is one of the most difficult decisions to make. The timing of it is the difficult part. There are competing interests. And pet …

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What happens when your cat is put to sleep?

Pre-euthanasia check

It depends on you, the cat owner, as to what happens when your cat is put to sleep. You decide when your cat is put to sleep. And you decide what happens after that. You select the veterinarian. It is normal for the remains to be cremated either individually or not. Cremation – individual …

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This man should be banned from having animals for life

Ross Ryan

OAK CREEK, WI, USA: The carelessness, callousness, blank ignorance, stupidity, cruelty and heartlessness of Ryan Ross in his relationship with the domestic cat warrants that he be banned for life from having anything to do with animals. It is time for some tough punishments on animal welfare issues. This idiot – and he truly …

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