Psychic trailing in domestic cats. Infographic.

Some people believe that domestic cats are bestowed with ‘psychic trailing’ (‘psi trailing’) meaning the ability to use extra sensory perception (ESP) to find their way home when for example their owner moves home and their cat returns to their old home or they’ve become lost. There is no firm science to support psychic …

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Domestic cats operate on instinct placing a high level of responsibility on owners. Infographic.

Perhaps it is fair to say that sometimes cat owners (caregivers) forget that their feline friend operates on DNA hard-wired instinct as they are often seen as little human members of the family which is nice. Moreover, this DNA is inherited from their wildcat ancestor. The domestic cat’s behaviour is rooted in the behaviour …

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Reason why cats sometimes lick themselves after being stroked. INFOGRAPHIC.

As I say in the infographic there are a few well-rehearsed theories about this, which are incorrect as far as I am concerned 😎🙄. I don’t think science has intervened in this discussion so we are reliant on conjecture. However, I feel my theory which may be novel and unique is the best and …

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The philosophy of not shouting when your cat bites you. Infographic.

The philosophy of not shouting when your cat bites you. Infographic. by Michael Broad In an ever more competitive and sometimes crazy world it is very easy for even the best cat caregivers to lose their cool and shout in exasperation. Sometimes the shouting may be directed at their cat because inadvertently the cat’s …

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Feline instincts are reactive and act as a ‘barometer’ of their surroundings. Infographic.

Cat’s act instinctively. Their instincts react to environmental pressures based on their emotions which vary depending on personality. But essentially a cat’s instincts can act as a kind of barometer of what is happening around the cat and to the cat. A cat’s instincts also tell us what is happening inside the cat’s brain …

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Jekyll & Hyde cat reaction when petted. Infographic.

Cat's Jekyll and Hyde character when petted

Although people describe a cat’s sudden negative reaction to being petted as if they are Jekyll and Hyde characters, it is naturally logical and normal from the cat’s perspective. Cats react and interact instinctively. And by default, cats are cautiously defensive. Through socialisation, they have adapted to living in what is an unnatural environment …

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My personal domestic cat pros and cons in an infographic

My personal domestic cat pros and cons in an infographic

A stated this is personal but I expect something similar from any decent cat caregiver. There has to be some cons if we are realistic. For me, right now, the biggest con is that I feel anchored. Stuck and unable to travel freely because my cat is bonded to me; I am imprinted on …

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Why your cat likes to knock things over

Cat knocks vase off mantlepiece

Do you know why your cat likes to knock things over? What’s your theory? In fact, does he do it? Not all domestic cats do. What percentage of cats do this? Despite what experts say I don’t believe we have a full and certain answer to these questions so I’ll provide mine but I’m …

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